Memory management strategies

In this post, I'll be detailing how C and C++ can be programmed in a sane and memory-safe way. We'll be going through some custom memory allocator strategies that provide simple ways of dissolving common memory problems.

This post is inspired by my C++ core library called Presheaf, whose source code is freely available. The main goal of the library is to deliver the programming experience I wanted and C wasn't able to fully deliver.

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2D topological quantum field theories and commutative Frobenius algebras

As a final project for my mathematical-physics class I studied the categorical equivalence between 2-dimensional topological quantum field theories (TQFT) and the category of commutative Frobenius algebras. This led to an interesting study paper, which I'm now making publicly accessible.

Monoidal natural transformation
Universal property of monoidal natural transformations
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exploring emulation with chirp 🐣: a CHIP-8 interpreter

One of my long-term aspirations is to forge an emulator for the legendary Game Boy console. As a side-quest, I decided to write a virtual machine for the CHIP-8 interpreted language from the mid-1970's. Although not a hardware emulation project, it makes you dig a bit into techniques common to emulation software.

Screenshot of the MAZE game running on chirp
MAZE game running on `chirp`
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deep dive

Since 2020, I started documenting all of my studies in mathematics. This process ended up generating something that resembles a book. It is with the hope of illuminating the path for fellow nerds that I decided to share my collection of notes publicly.

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radiant: a ray tracer

This is a simple CPU-based ray-tracer following Ray Tracing in One Weekend by Peter Shirley

Random scene generated by radiant